
Manx BirdLife is the wildlife conservation charity working to protect the Isle of Man’s wild birds and the habitats on which they depend. To find out more about us, visit Manx BirdLife - Nature. For generations.

Offering a mix of indoor and outdoor activities, our education programme is designed to inspire young people to discover and cherish the Island’s wildlife, and to consider their role as future stewards of our natural environment.

We need to reduce our dependence on cars. This will reduce the need for intrusions on the natural world from oil plants, roads, and vehicles, which all lead to wild bird mortalities through habitat destruction, pollution, and collisions. Some wild birds have adapted to eat roadkill, but this leaves them vulnerable. Many species are unable to cope with the threat of fast-moving vehicles and their emissions. We can give your young people an insight into birds killed on roads and encourage them to reduce car journeys with public transport, cycling and walking.

To learn more about how we can assist your school, class or youth group activities and studies, visit or email with the topics you would like help with.

To find out what to do if you find an injured, orphaned, sick or stranded wild bird, visit

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UK Transport Eco Schools Topic Link UNESCO Biosphere IoM Education Links The Eco schools transport topic helps you and your students to promote and encourage sustainable transport. Here in the Isle of Man the groups listed on this page can assist with yo…

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